Nansen Dialogue Centre in Osijek is a local government organization founded in April 2001.

Our vision is an inclusive and multiethnic community, while our mission is the social renewal of post-war and multiethnic communities.

Nansen dijalog centar

Cvjetkova 32, 31000 Osijek - RH

+385 31 494 257

The project UNITED – UNderstand, Inform, Think, EDucate is a cross-sectoral cooperation of public institutions, CSOs and teaching institutions involving Jewish history and education experts from Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Poland.

Project objectives are to engage young people in the culture of remembrance and empower them to be aware and act in response to the antisemitism today.

Within the project the students will research less-known events from their local communities, related to Holocaust, and commemorate those events by using art to reflect on what they researched. The interdisciplinary approach will allow the students to get a deeper perspective of the Holocaust and more personalized approach towards it.

In addition, the project will promote EU values and raise the students’ civic competences. Using the gained knowledge, the students will implement an initiative for raising awareness of the hate speech in their communities today and make recommendations for policy makers on how to tackle that issue. By creating the network of students from Croatia, Poland and Italy, that will analyse the researched local events and get insight on how they relate to one another, and to the broader European context, the project will raise their awareness of our common history and values.

Through the art exhibitions/performances, student initiative and policy recommendation, and the “How to” guide the project will have an impact on the wider community.

The project consortium:
Nansen dijalog centar (Croatia) – Coordinator
Tehnička škola i prirodoslovna gimnazija Ruđera Boškovića Osijek (Croatia)
Glocal Factory (Italy)
Istituto Istruzione Superiore “Ferraris Fermi” (Italy)
Center judovske kulturne dediščine Sinagoga Maribor (Slovenia)
Warszawskie Centrum Innowacji Edukacyjno-Społecznych i Szkoleń (Poland)

The project is implemented from January 1st, 2023 –December 31st, 2024, and it is financed by the European Union through the CERV program.

Project latest news

Step by step guide

After 2 years of implementation, the UNITED project has come to its end, and on the last day we are happy to publish an implementation guide of the project. The guide gives a Step-by-step overview of... 

Joint art exhibition

The last art exhibition, and a special one was held in Maribor on December 11th. This was a joint exhibition, where all the artwork of students from Croatia, Poland and Italy was displayed. It showcased... 

Student artwork portfolio

All the student artwork has been digitalised and is ready to be used by anyone interested! After months of hard work and dedication, the students have created some amazing artwork, through which they... 

Art exhibition in Italy

After Poland and Croatia, it was time for the Italian students to present their work. The third art exhibition was organised in Verona in October, by the students and teacher from the Higher Education... 

Performance in Osijek

A new school year has started, and we kicked it off with an art exhibition in Osijek. The Croatian students from Technical School and Science Gymnasium Ruđer Bošković have shown the fruits of their... 

First art exhibition

After a lot of preparation, different activities, trainings, and research the first student artwork is done. The work of the students from the I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im Limanowskiego was showcased... 

Student research

For the past few months, the students have been working hard on researching local events related to the Holocaust. They have been to libraries, searched the internet, cooperated with museums, gone through... 

International focus group

Last week we held an online focus group with 101 students and 17 other participants (project managers, teachers and stakeholders) from Poland, Croatia, Slovenia and Italy. Organized by Glocal Factory and... 

Online campaign

After researching hate speech and discussing it in class, the students started implementing the online campaign against it. The campaign consisted of a series of posts on partners websites and social media... 

Jewish Culture Month in Osijek

In cooperation with the Jewish municipality in Osijek, we have commemorated the Jewish Culture Month by organizing the workshop “Graphite against hate speech”. The workshop was implemented on September... 

Nansen dijalog centar

Cvjetkova 32, 31000 Osijek - RH

+385 31 494 257

Copyright © 2025 Nansen Dialogue Centre Osijek, all rights reserved.